Deadly Combos

Hello everyone!!

Welcome to deadly combos zone of Blood Brothers 2. We have created this webpage with sole purpose of helping new players with popular and rare combos they can use to get that deadly kick to their squads. Also pro players can take advantage equally. Every one is welcome to submit their combos with their guild name and ign in the form given below the list. It will be published in the list as it is. You can also post counters of these combos. Hope we all have good time sharing and helping each other, the only motive of this webpage. Thank You !!

Ps: Thanks to killer (usawarriors), butchrboy (GASF), toxy (GASF) and lord (GASF) for promoting me to do this.

S.No Combos Description Counter IGN Guild
01 Kazira + God Killer Kazira buffs attack, god killer hits harder. Counter BlindBoss USAW
02 Ran + Sir Brynt Ran enrages enemy, sir brynt remove enrage from ran, letting her enrage again next turn,  Counter Killer USAW
03 Adiv + God Killer Adiv buffs all stats , and god killer hits harder. Counter BlindBoss USAW
04 Sir Brynt + God Killer Sir Brynt buffs attack, god killer hits harder. Counter Killer USAW
05 Xel + Kriss Klauss Xel buffs kriss defense huge, making kriss hit much harder. Counter Old Combo --------
06 Khar + Heliot Khar buffs heliot defense, making heliot hit two targets harder. Counter Old Combo --------
07 Diemberger + Kazira Diemberger debuffs wisdom of enemy aoe, and kazira hits wis debuff comms much harder. Counter Rosa USAW
08 Cinder + Munin Cinder Buffs huge wisdom of munin, making munin kill aoe huge. Counter Old Combo --------
09 Domu + Gate Keeper Doumu kills first nme and stuns next while giving gatekeeper 100% def boost. Then gatekeeper finishes line with special. Counter Butchrboy GASF
10 Cinder + Olessia Cinder uses his skill to buff Olessia's wis and Olessia sweeps the enemy team. Counter Lord  GASF
11 Ryleh + Talleon Both raise skill counters up so they deal all the damage the want and prevent the enemy from using skils. Counter Lord GASF
12 Valoth + Sleipnir Valoth buffs attack and defeats one enemy with Sleipnir cleaning up. Counter Lord GASF
13 Sir Brynt + Sleipnir + Kazira Brynt buffs atk and takes out half the enemy team with Kazira mopping up and Sleipnir aoeing anything else. Counter Lord GASF
14 Domuu + Destruction + Olessia Domuu kills, disabling next comm, destruction buffs, olessia hits harder. Counter Butchrboy GASF
15 Hypnos + Sleipnir Hypnos poisons enemies, sleipnir hits poisoned enemies harder. Counter Golden  USAW
16 Adiv + Exant Adiv buffs exant wis, making exant do more wisdom hits twice. Counter BlindBoss USAW
17 Edwynd + Sleipnir Edwynd poisons enemy party, and sleipnir hits poisoned enemies harder. Counter Rosa USAW

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