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Greetings Tacticians!! Welcome to USA Warriors - Top 25 Guild of Blood Brothers 2.

USAWARRIORS is a blood brothers 2 (most popular role playing game available on both android and apple) guild, founded and created by Guild Admin Shawn Benjamin on 15th May, 2016. Usawarriors is a FUN but COMPETITIVE guild, which have both F2P (Free 2 Play) and P2P (Pay 2 Play). Buying or spending money on sigils is not guild requirement, but scoring and being active is.

Who we are?

I will say we are not more of an expert, but learners. Our competition is always with our own selves, doing better as each event passes by. We feel joy when we do better than last event, and feel motivated if we not do so good than last one. We have members from all over the world, since our guild is not country specific. And to solve the language issue i have created this website with "Automated Country Detection Script - Powered by Google", which will open this website in your countries default language. Which you already might have noticed if your language is other than english.

How we work?

Work? In game? U must be out of your mind.

Lol, yeah!! We take fun part very seriously, but we don't goof around when its time for some Challenge. Our guild records are kept by our guild leader Rosa. Every event we track down players final event points (EP), their respective ranks and their hours of activeness. This is accompolished by combined effort of 5 active leaders and 3 captains in the guild. On the basis of these performance ranks, players are promoted or demoted or even booted. Every event we set minimum requirement, which each member of the guild have to achieve, to know more about minimum requirements, please visit our Minimum Requirements section. These are not too high but compolsory to achieve.

Every event on day one all pro level players in guild including leaders and captains, enquire and interact with other members of the guild personaly to help them arrange squads, guide them with game basics, donating gears and souls if they need. Also we have "Tips and Guides" section in our website where we provide guides, like "Clearing Insane 5*" or "Clearing Titans" with step by step screen shots of games which is liked by almost all guild members and also by other guilds. Overall we believe in pulling low level or newbies joining our guild, making them a strong powerful player as an outcome, which in return makes our guild bond between players and ranks both strong, and giving the over all fun as a community.

Can I Join?

Offcourse you can, and how?

Before i come on that, first i would like you to read our Rules and Regulations. If after going through it you think you can follow them, then great!! you are most welcome to our guild. Just remember - Be active, try hard, ask help if you need, respect other members and follow management guidelines in a nutshel.

How to Apply?

  • Its very easy, you can follow any of the below methods whichever suits you:
    Search for Guild: Search for "USAWARRIORS" in guilds search and apply, dont forget to put your best squads in slots before applying, so leaders can review your strength as a player.
    (Sometimes a very strong player they keep stupid comms in slots and apply and get rejected, so please don't do that mistake).
  • Contact us on 'Line': If you first wan't to enquire more about our guild before applying, or like to get personal conversation with our management members, then you can add us on LINE.
    (Note: Line is a chat app like whats app which is available in these platforms: Mobile - Android | iPhone | BlackBerry | Windows Phone | Nokia Asha | Firefox OS, PC/Tablet - Windows | Windows 8/10 | Chrome | Mac OS | iPad . Click any of them to get the download link if you do not have it).

    Our Line id to Add: DocCN
Regards - Admin, Leaders, Captains and all Players of UsaWarriors

Browse our website's sections showcase from below:

How can i Buy or Donate Gears and Souls ?

How can i Buy or Donate Gears and Souls ?

For buying souls and gears we need first to JOIN a guild, when you are a member of some guild, then you can buy souls and gears donated by ...

How shall i chek my IGN or Gamer Tag ?

How shall i chek my IGN or Gamer Tag ?

IGN or Gamer tag consist of your player name and # and some numbers, Kindly nore that gamer tags are CASE SENSITIVE. So if its written in c...

What is Absolve ?

What is Absolve ?

Absolving is the process of creating a stronger soul than you receive from a commander during evolution . Several conditions must be met i...

What is Ascension ?

What is Ascension ?

What is Ascension ? Ascending is a process necessary to evolve and absolve your commanders.  Ascending is done simply by obtaining dupl...


Basic Guides

Here are the basic guides for new and old players, to understand the game better and perform better. The topic are listed below, it will k...

What is Evolution?

What is Evolution?

What is Evolution or Evolving? Evolution is the process of turning one of your commanders into their more powerful form.  In practice, ...

Quick Strikers of Blood Brothers 2

Quick Strikers of Blood Brothers 2

(Update in Progress) Quickstrike skills have priority before standard attacks and abilities. Using a quickstrike ability can allow a comm...