Quick Strikers of Blood Brothers 2

(Update in Progress)Quickstrike skills have priority before standard attacks and abilities. Using a quickstrike ability can allow a commander to act first even when defending. If there are 2 or more Quickstrikes during 1 turn, it will prioritize the attacking player before the defending player.

Below are current quickstrikers in BB2 with explaination of their skills :

Diemberger, The Immortal Knight
Skill: Afterlife's Embrace II: Quickstrike; Greatly lower WIS and attack all enemies. 15% chance to reduce 1 enemy to 1% HP.
Max 6/6 Stats: hp3876 atk2804 def1938 wis1869

Braant, Lowland Cleric

Skill: Primal Healing II: Quickstrike; Heal party for 60% HP, bodyslam an enemy for 90% current HP.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp4000 atk900 def5000 wis2000

Aalthos, God of Dragons

Skill: Brood Protector II: Quickstrike; Disable all commanders for 1 turn, skill counter down 1 to allies, and buff all ally stats by 35% for 3 turns.

Max 6/6 Stats: hp5150 atk2000 def4000 wis4000

Adiv, ShadowGatherer

Skill: Resolve of the Dead II: Quickstrike; Cleanse and Buff Party's DEF, WIS, & ATK 35%, and smash the enemy for 175% ATK.

Max 6/6 Stats: hp4788 atk2821 def3847 wis2280

Corbash, Spinescale

Skill: Slither II: Quickstrike; Evade 25% for 3 turns, attack 2 times.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp2654 atk2646 def3000 wis2200

Chun-Li, Ward of Worlds

Skill: Lightning Kick II: Quickstrike; Attack all enemies for 45% ATK, then attack 2 enemies for 65% ATK, then attack an enemy for 125% ATK.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3300 atk2950 def1500 wis1500

Exant, Banished Magus

Skill: Soul Reap II: Quickstrike; Attack a random enemy for 100% WIS, and heal party for 25% 2 times.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3507 atk643 def999 wis5500

Hel, Queen of Death

Skill: Speak No Evil II: Quickstrike: Attack 6 random enemies for 40% WIS with a 30% chance to silence for 1 turn.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3086 atk1310 def1615 wis3600

Hypnos, Lady of Nightmares

Skill: Death Scythe: Quickstrike; Attacks all enemies for 100% ATK, poisons them, and regens your party.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3429 atk2057 def1562 wis1143

Khar Bambai, Raging Warlord

Skill: Intervention II: Quickstrike; Increase party DEF by 300% for two turns.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3886 atk1676 def2571 wis1524

Koolan, Saber Stride

Skill: Primal Fear II: Quickstrike; Hits an enemy for 25% of max HP. 25% chance to hit twice.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3162 atk1897 def1390 wis1112

Oni, Destroyer of Heaven

Skill: Gohadoken II: Unevadable; Quickstrike; Attack an enemy for 100% WIS, and buff DEF 150% 4 times.

Max Stats 6/6: hp5000 atk2270 def3000 wis5000

Pontifex, Aether's Torch

Skill: Divine Blessing II: Quickstrike; Buff ally WIS by 50% for 3 turns, heal allies for 55%.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3200 atk550 def5000 wis5000

Ryu, The Wandering Warrior

Skill: Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku II: Unevadable; Quickstrike; Ryu spins his legs, debuffing DEF for 100% and hitting an enemy 3 times for 75% ATK.

Max 5/5 Stats: hp3810 atk2743 def1714 wis457

Spades, Queen of the Damned

Skill: Parham Attack III: Quickstrike; Smash an enemy for 175% ATK, evade allies 15%, 100% chance to enrage and disable an enemy for 2 turns.

Max 6/6 Stats: hp4240 atk3892 def3248 wis2756

The Grigori, Mindmerged

Skill: Phase Shift II: Quickstrike; Evade for 4 turns (80%/40%/20%/20%).

Max 5/5 Stats: hp2300 atk3700 def1500 wis1500

The Horde, Ascendant

Violet, Giant Stalker

Zepar, Blood Annointed

Kucet, Heel Tinesinger

Dormak, Eternal Mage

Rosa (Leader)

Hi, i am Usawarriors Guild Leader Rosa. I am managing this guild as a leader, helping shawn benjamin guild master and friend. I am also webmaster and developer of our guild website www.UsawGuild.Blogspot.com and app.

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